Thursday 8 January 2015

An hour in Slough

8 December 2014, 8 am

For a reason I have pretty much forgotten, but which I think had something to do with there being too many people at last year’s event so that it became uncomfortably exothermic, we are on our third student induction day of 2014. 

The speakers are old hands at this now.  We have been giving these talks since 2010 and we can virtually do them in our sleep.  There is certainly evidence that we can do them in the delegates’ sleep.

On my way there, I spend an hour in Slough.  Not because I want to see Slough, especially at 8 o’clock on a cold December morning, but because First Great Western® are conducting an evil psychological experiment to see how much pressure you can apply to a tin-can full of commuters before they crack.  So they have stopped the 0630 for an hour to watch the sun come up, and are feeding us inane and repetitive misinformation to increase our stress levels.

Actually we cope very well.  We are used to using the London train as a remote office and we just keep working.  No-one tries to climb out of a window.  No-one starts to whimper.  No-one stands up to incite a revolt.  To be honest, if you have had to catch the 0630 from the Wess Curntry to the city on a Monday morning, you are probably not going to be too perturbed by the prospect of not arriving.

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